Session 1: 7/2/13

Session 1

The first session I attended, along with another coach from the University of Lincoln took place at Swinderby Primary School, just outside Lincoln. The group had 28 pupils in, which left us the idea of splitting the group in two, and one coach taking one half of the group and the other coach taking the other. The first session began quite timidly with us, as coaches attempting to earn the respect from the students and the students having no knoweldge of both us as coaches and QuickSticks. However, as I had previously worked in primary schools I soon settled in to my comfort zone and began interacting with the group well, which led to the pupils becoming more involved and less shy, answering questions and being open to attempt this new sport I was providing them with. Rogers (2007) talks about a whole school approach, where the school has certain actions to stop rules being broken and also as behaviour management. The whole school approach is not something which can be instilled into a contracted sports coach who delivers a session a week very easily. However the sports coach can bring there own approach. To prevent any misbehaviours throughout the sessions I created my own list of techniques to deal with any behaviour concerns, one being my ‘Relax’ rule. When I shouted relax to the group, everyone must stop what they are doing immediately and put their equipment by the feet. I also praised the children who did this well as I felt appraisal for good behaviour would encourage the rest of the group to behave well.


Bill Rogers (2007). Behaviour Management, A whole School Approach. 2nd ed. p11-57

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